Why is Strength Training Important?

4 min readJul 3, 2021

Strength training has unique physical and mental benefits that can augur a healthy and energetic life. With age, we start losing significant muscle mass and instead begin storing fat. Since muscles burn more calories than fat, our metabolism begins to slow down.

To reverse this process, we should invest our time in Strength Training — also known as weight training or load-bearing exercise — which helps us gain our muscles back. Strength training involves exercising a specific muscle or a muscle group against external resistance to improve muscular fitness. The external resistance may include free weights, weight machines, or one’s body weight.

At OneFitPlus, we advise everyone to undertake strength training as it is beneficial in shedding extra calories, increasing bone density, boosting metabolism, developing flexibility, and augmenting our stamina. Lifting weights can also keep several diseases at bay.

The major benefits of strength training are:


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Increased muscle mass translates into faster metabolism and consequently an elevated fat burning rate. Weight training can increase a person’s metabolic rate for up to 12 hours after a workout, which means you tend to burn calories even while sitting. So while cardio burns calories and fat during the workout, strength training lets you experience high excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC), ensuring elevated metabolism even after the workout. So, to achieve the best results, combine strength training with a balanced diet and cardio to burn more fat.


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Strength training not just increases bone density but minimizes the risk of osteoporosis, arthritis, and bone fractures. As we age, the loss of bone tissue gives rise to problems related to posture and weakness in tendons and ligaments. Resistance training is one of the best methods to prevent bone loss, postural deficit and maintain overall bone strength. Strong bones and muscles lower the severity of falls, making your body more resistant to injuries, aches, and pains.


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Strength training can alleviate your stress and improve your mood as it raises the level of endorphins in your body. Regardless of age, stamina, or skill level, weight lifting offers proven benefits in relieving anxiety and lowering symptoms of depression. According to a study mentioned in Harvard Health, people with mild to moderate depression who performed resistance training two or more days a week saw “significant” reductions in their symptoms than those who did not.

With an improved body image that comes with regular strength training, you also develop more confidence and self-esteem. Resistance training is also known to improve cognitive function and overall sense of positive well-being.


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With resistance training, your muscle flexibility and sense of balance gradually get better. Strength training helps keep the joints supple with a full range of motion despite the expected wear and tear through daily life.

As your muscles strengthen, your balance, coordination, and posture improve too. An improved balance ensures strength in the legs, good mobility, and a lesser risk of falling, especially for the elderly.


Photo by Victor Freitas on Unsplash

If you are regular with strength training, your chances of contracting cancer, type 2 diabetes, high BP, and cardiovascular disease go down significantly. As the basal metabolic rate increases with strength training, you tend to lose dangerous abdominal or visceral fat, which is great for heart health and reduces the risk of diabetes. Pumping iron has proven benefits in correcting blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

Studies indicate that increased muscle mass enhances the chances of surviving cancer as well. Strong muscles also play a role in preventing injury.

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You can start strength training by incorporating short sessions in your workout regime at home or at a gym. Weight Machines, primarily found in gyms, are excellent for resistance workouts, while free weights like dumbbells and barbells are also a handy choice to avail similar benefits. The latter also does not require much space for storage.

Bodyweight exercises such as planks, squats, crunches, push-ups, etc., have also become a favored choice for fitness-conscious people.

Mayo Clinic says that you don’t need to spend hours a day lifting weights to benefit from strength training. You can see significant improvement in your strength with just two or three 20- or 30-minute weight training sessions a week.

As your lean muscle mass and body strength will go up, you shall experience an immediate improvement in energy levels, stamina, and overall well-being. However, we do suggest consulting a certified fitness professional before you embark on a strength training program.




OneFitPlus is a Fit-tech company that brings to your home, the complete ecosystem to achieve fitness goals using best in class equipment.